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Theatre kids in their show t-shirts
Period Pieces: How to Stay in Budget for Set and Costume

If you’re currently at work planning a holiday show, it very well may be a period piece. And while these showcases are a blast to...

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Tags: production, production team, resources,

Technology Upgrades For Your Theater

Creators are continually searching for innovative ways to elevate their performances. One sure-fire method to take a show to that...

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Tags: production, production team

Why Theatre Professionals Should Learn Streaming Technologies

In the great digital theatre pivot of the past year and a half, theatres were thrust into using a technology that was probably...

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Tags: production team, resources

Growing Young Theatre Makers Series: Student Production Team

As theatre educators, it's easy to focus upon the acting aspects of drama education. After all, it is the main draw. But...

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Tags: school theatre, production team

Growing Young Theatre Makers: Student Directors

Not everyone who loves theatre is meant to act! In this three-part series, we'll explore other production roles that students can...

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Tags: school theatre, production team, how-to